Saturday, September 28, 2013

Our Crazy Night with Diabetes

    Last night Boaz's sugar was 578. Obviously, that was really scary. Thankfully Boaz did not have any ketones, otherwise we would have had to go the hospital to get fluids.  We gave him some insulin and checked in another hour. That time it was 408. Still too high, but at least it was coming down.  

     Now the issue with Dexcom was that it was not registering his sugar and it hadn't for three hours. After three hours, you are supposed to change the sensor if it doesn't start working again. So we got him up to change his sensor. He did so good with the sensor change, he didn't fuss at all!  I think he was just happy to be with us!  After the sensor change (and some more insulin because his sugar was still high) we headed to bed.  When we got up again the sensor had failed.  We checked his sugar (350 so more insulin) and restarted the sensor again. When we got up this morning his sensor had failed again. The problem with this sensor failing, is that it is the last one we have. So we are desperately trying to get it to work. We should have received more sensors not long ago, but we cannot find where they ended up.  So we are praying that we can find the package and get some more sensors soon. We are trusting the Lord in this! 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Some Call Us Crazy

    These past few weeks have been crazy!  In one weekend, we found a place to move into and Josh got a new job. From then we had two weeks to get packed and moved.  Thankfully we had help so getting packed wasn't that bad. The week we were to move I noticed things were a little off with me.  I had been exhausted, nauseous, and of course, I was late.  I knew that I had to take a pregnancy test that week, because I needed to know before I carried heavy boxes. I sent Josh on the awkward run to target, to pick up some tests, and of course they were positive!  We were super excited, and a little bit nervous.  Our plan was to get settled after the move and then buy a van (our Element does not hold anymore than our current family) before we had another one.  But God's plans were different!  Of course our family and close friends were ecstatic, (a few of them may have possibly laughed, but they were excited!).  We announced it to the world of Facebook on Friday and people couldn't have been happier!   

    Even though we were worried about getting a bigger car, we knew God would work it out (He always does!). On Tuesday, my mom sent me a Craig's List listing and this one caught our eye, a Honda Odyssey EL-X at a price we could actually afford!  We called the people up and asked a lot of questions about it. No wrecks, two owners, maintenance was kept up; it seemed almost too good to be true, but we knew with God's provisions nothing is too good to be true!  I sent my dad to look at it (because we lived two hours away, and he was right there) and he said it was a great car. On Friday, we went to go look at it ourselves and loved it!  We ended up leaving with a brand-new-to-us van and we are extremely excited about it!  We love to watch God work things out for us; how wonderful that he provides for His people! 

Type 1 Diabetes Awareness Day!

    November 14th is Type 1 Diabetes Day and we are stoked!  Be prepared to see every single detail of a day in the life of Boaz!  We are going to be posting on Instagram a live feed of every single thing we have to do! Had to look at Dexter, INSTAGRAM! Had to count carbs, INSTAGRAM!  Had to give him Insulin, INSTAGRAM!  You guys are going to get a front row seat to see into Boaz's life!  And feel free to ask tons of questions!  Also, tag @dayinthelifeofboaz and #dayinthelifeofboaz on your diabetes awareness Instagram pictures and I will be reposting those as well!*  It could be anything, from wearing blue to just saying you long for a cure!  

Follow us on Instagram! 

*Day in the Life of Boaz has the right to not repost an Instagram picture.  Inappropriate pictures or pictures with profanity will not be reposted.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

DIY: Washi Tape Candle

    Since we are moving, we had to say goodbye to two wonderful therapists: Boaz's speech therapist and his physical therapist. I bought them each a candle, but of course I can't give them a present that I have not altered in some way!  So I decided to put my washi tape to good use to make a simple, personalized candle. 

This is really simple.  Just tear strips of washi tape the length of the lid.  I eyeballed the stripes but you could measure them if you would like.  Then just stick the washi tape down and trim the edges with scissors. Make a cute tag and tie it on with a ribbon or string, and your done!  It was really simple to make and the washi tape added the perfect little touch. 

Please Pray!

    Boaz had to get his first shot since we've been on the pump today.  When he woke up his sugar was 524 and he had moderate ketones.  I disconnected his pump and gave him a shot :(. His sugar is now 600 and his ketones have come down to small ketones.  I have called the doctor and we hp are waiting for a call back. Please pray that his sugar comes down and we can get rid of the ketones all together.  

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Why Another Church?

Posted originally by Josh Hinson on Covenant Life Presbyterian Church's website. 

Why Another Church?

When the Son of God took upon flesh, he assumed the role of Mediator between God and man. As mediator, he exercises the offices of prophet, priest, and king. As king, Christ is ruler over a kingdom that has been inaugurated (Matt. 3:2; Mark 1:15), but awaits consummation in the new heavens and new earth.
The kingdom of God is certainly bigger than the church, and includes the uniting of all things in Christ in heaven and on earth (Eph. 1:10), but the clearest visible manifestation of this kingdom is found in the church. It is here that the King’s law and gospel are heralded and his ordinances are carried out through the officers Christ the King has given to the church by the Holy Spirit. In this sense then, “the church is an embassy of Christ and the age to come even in this present evil age.”
Because of this, the church is unique to every other institution on the planet. “This is why we must assemble at a place where the gospel is truly preached, the sacraments are administered according to Christ’s institution, and there is a visible form of Christ’s heavenly reign through officers whom He has called and sent.”1
America’s brand of evangelicalism, with its massive crusades and revivals, has been largely about people making decisions in favor of Christ and the gospel. As noble and important as this is, the pattern of the apostles and of the New Testament is the establishment of local congregations, uniting those who have come to Christ with other members of his body and under the leadership he has appointed. The apostles planted churches, returned to strengthen churches, wrote to churches, and appointed leadership for churches. The Great Commission is about more than making decisions; it is about making disciples.
Among the many metaphors used to describe the church, one of the most common is the body of Christ. Individual Christians are members who jointly make up the body of Christ, having union and communion with one another in her living head, the Lord Jesus. In the church, the body is nourished by Christ and built up upon the foundation set by the prophets and the apostles (Eph. 2:20), with Christ Jesus being the chief cornerstone. It is in the church that the “one another” commandments are carried out, the faith once for all delivered to the saints is upheld and contended for, and the gospel of Christ is  proclaimed to the ends of the earth.
We have no lack of churches in the South. From large historical buildings with noted ecclesiastical lineages to new nondenominational “ministry centers” which open in store fronts – we have our share. So why do we need yet another one?
We believe that the Reformed tradition of the Protestant Reformation (those churches represented by the Reformed of continental Europe and the Presbyterians of Scotland) is the ecclesiastical tradition most consistent with Scripture. We long to extend a passion for knowing and delighting in the glory of God by planting a church from this rich tradition in Camden County, which by a recent estimate has a population of over 50,000.
By saying this, we are not claiming to have a premium on the gospel or to be the only faithful Christians in the Kings Bay area. However, it would be foolish to assume that all churches are faithfully preaching the gospel of Christ. There are many churches who are faithful in this regard. To those churches, we pray that you would not see us as another fast food chain competing for the appetite of consumers in the community, but as another farm in a starving country providing a feast with the means God has provided.
Soli Deo Gloria
1. Quotations are from Michael Horton, No Church, No Problem?

Monday, September 2, 2013

We're Moving!

     On Saturday, we are moving further south to help our dear friends with their church plant, Covenant Life Presbyterian Church (PCA).  We have been serving the church by attending services, assisting with meals, and working on the building.  We will be able to serve a lot more once we are in the area.  We had been feeling called for a long time, but God hadn't opened any doors.  It took us several months to find a home and a job for Josh, but all at once Josh got a job, and we got a home.  Literally, in the same weekend!  So, while we are sad to be leaving our friends and current church family, we are excited to see how God will use us to do His work.  So, please pray for God to grow his church, and that he will use Covenant Life in mighty ways.