•Choose your paint color to scratch off and mix it with dish soap; 2 parts dish soap, 1 part paint
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Our Gender Reveal and Homemade Scratch Card Instructions
•Choose your paint color to scratch off and mix it with dish soap; 2 parts dish soap, 1 part paint
Monday, December 16, 2013
Boaz's 3rd Diagnosis....
Early last week, we had to get blood work done for Boaz. It was just routine endocrine blood work and he did AMAZINGLY getting it drawn. Then we got a call that some of his levels were elevated and we needed to do a repeat. So we went back to Nemours (which thankfully is only 30 minutes away now) and had more blood drawn. I got a call from his doctor ealier today telling me that his levels were indeed too high, and that he officially has Hashimotos's. We are starting him on some thyroid hormone therapy, and....yeah, that's all I've got to say. We have a lot to learn!
Hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is when the levels of thyroid hormones in the blood are abnormally low. Thyroid hormone deficiency slows body processes and may lead to fatigue, a slow heart rate, dry skin, weight gain, constipation, and, in kids, slowing of growth and delayed puberty.
Hashimoto's thyroiditis, which results from an autoimmune process that damages the thyroid and blocks thyroid hormone production, is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in kids. Infants can also be born with an absent or underdeveloped thyroid gland, resulting in hypothyroidism. It can be treated with oral thyroid hormone replacement.