Sunday, June 9, 2013

Emory's First Birthday Party

     Yesterday lots of people came over to celebrate Emory's birth with us.  It is weird (and awesome) to think about how far we have come since the day he was born.  If you read my first post, you know that Emory's birth was not an easy day for us.  The same baby that came out blue and limp is now almost walking and talking!  We are very blessed!

    Before Emory was even born, I had his party theme chosen.  I am not sure why, but I have been set in a monster themed party.  I had a lot of fun preparing it and decorating for it.  I always do parties in the afternoon so we can just have cake and ice cream and not worry about a meal.  So I order a cake and some cake pops (which the cake pops did not turn out how I wanted them, but I will laugh about that some day), and decided we were going to have an ice cream buffet.  I bought two gallons of ice cream and went all out on toppings.  Talk about sugar overload!  But still, it was really fun.  I tried to buy as little as possible for decorations, and make as much as I could.  I made several things out of cardboard or paper bags, but I did buy balloons and paper lanterns. Oh, we also had an awesome photo booth.  I made some monster props and bought some other props like mustaches and glasses.  Ok, well I know that you are probably patiently waiting to see the pictures, so without further ado, here they are.


1 comment:

  1. The monster theme is too cute! Party planning is so much fun. Emory looks like one loved and celebrated little guy :-)


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